
Think Engineering DesignTM is built on the unified strength of our Subject Matter Experts. We act as an enabler between best design service providers and design seeking customers and our partnerships with our SME are founded and built with exceptional people, who exude commitment to service excellence and a deep-rooted entrepreneurial spirit. Our key strategic resource partners – together with their own knowledge, competences, capabilities, expertise, and experience – bring together teams of people that have sound knowledge of both technical and delivery management viz. communication and engagement. Our core consideration in forming SME partnerships is the seamless integration of trustworthiness in a partner, values congruence, and ability to provide solutions.

“In every region we operate, our local design experts uphold our vision, continuously strive to achieve our mission, and absorb our value system. Our SME team is made up of a variety of experts from a range of backgrounds and distinct experience groups, who have developed their careers progressing through the ranks and taking their knowledge into different areas of the business. Working with established construction and design organizations has given many of our SME consultants the opportunity to work on the most iconic and challenging global projects, on which their expertise has helped to find creative solutions” — Founder

virtual environment

We realise that building and maintaining trust in a virtual environment is a complex process and one of our key decisions is to engage a partner with whom we can develop a close working relationship over many years to come. Thus we have an open and collaborative approach with our partners and we leverage each other’s strengths. This gives us a better perspective on how we can deliver technically correct, cost-effective and beneficial outcomes to our customers on every design assignment. Our reputation and success is attributable to the intense technical knowledge of our SME’s and their business capability in dealing with over-arching needs of the design fulfilment.

Our aim is to field well-rounded subject experts and in doing so, we consciously emphasize on the quality of our professionals and the exemplary & consistent design quality we can produce and on the conformity to management systems embedded in our platform ecosystem. Forged by their profound understanding of the regional markets in which they operate, our professionals keep their expertise relevant by effectively dealing with the evolving and disruptive trends in their technical subject expertise, in parallel to maintaining all facets of academic awareness in their domain ecosystem.