
We host talented design subject matter experts from many corners of the globe, developing our collective ability to deliver best in class engineering design services. Our platform ecosystem model facilitates exchanges, interaction and integration between two or more interdependent SME businesses or individuals and in the process creates value for our clients. Our decentralized business-teams based operational structure provides the foundation for the firm to compete on a broad scope with a cost leadership strategy around the efficiency approach. In our pursuit to provide the ecosystem to make it possible for our customers to seek affordable engineering design solutions, we seek efficient business hosting platform and emphasis on streamlined operating procedures.


We realise that rapidly changing design requirements call for a more flexible structure, with strong horizontal linkages for collaboration and integration between individuals or teams, orienting ourselves toward a contemporary learning organisation with shared vision and tasks, a relaxed hierarchy, many teams & task forces and decentralised decision making.


In order to make exchanges happen, we aim to harness and create large, scalable networks of SME resources that can be accessed on demand. With this structure we not only envision growth in a range of our expertise and the number of subject matter experts, but this scalable model also provides us with an emboldened and broader outlook towards the scope and scale of our design projects, our geographic presence and our global client base.
